6 months pregnant?!?

Friday, February 24, 2012

YES! 6 months pregnant! I am 24 weeks 1 day! Months away from meeting my baby girl!

Stockpiling on baby items

Monday, February 20, 2012

So I've started my stockpile for baby items.  Lately I got this really great deal on Huggie wipes.  I was able to get 51 packages of wipes and 1 box of Pampers size 2 diapers (clearance) from CVS, all for under $30! 1 piece of wipe turned out to be .007¢ each! That is a good deal to me! The box of Pampers had 100 diapers, all for the price of $7.49. That's .07¢ each! Can you say amazing deal?!!


I am now 23 weeks 4 days.  So far I've gained about 10 pounds! Crazy! Baby is moving like crazy and I love every single movement she does.  This morning I felt her stretch her body or something, I mean on one side something, probably her head, was moving outwards and on the opposite side, something else was sticking out which I am guessing was her feet. Anyways, here's me at 22 weeks.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Well, I am 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant today.

I've been really busy lately.  We moved into a 2 bedroom townhouse which is really nice.  We're still close to my family which is also a plus.

Nothing else is new. Back to cleaning!
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